
Resources for Park and Recreation Professionals

With help from our members and research partners, we make the following resources and tools available to equip parks and recreation departments, municipalities, urban design and landscape architecture firms, and advocacy organizations to enhance capacity and build equitable, healthy, and engaged communities.

  • Report

    Nature-Based Solutions for Managing Stormwater in Parks

    City Parks Alliance

    This report from a cohort of parks and stormwater agency leaders from eight cities informs how to increase collaboration between the parks and stormwater manag…

  • Report

    Transit to parks initiatives in the U.S. and Canada: Practitioners’ perspectives

    Transport Policy

    This study explores motivations, facilitators, and challenges related to transit to parks initiatives in the U.S. and Canada.

  • Report

    Riding transit to parks in Utah: Motivations, constraints, negotiations, and policy recommendations

    Transportation Research

    This research studied the motivations, constraints, negotiations, and policy changes for riding transit to parks in Utah’s Wasatch Front region.

  • Report

    Leading Together: A New Model for Thriving State Parks

    Potrero Group

    This report examines how a new nonprofit partner is enhancing the CA park system's ability to meet unprecedented challenges and scale innovation.

  • Report

    The Relationship Between Greenspace Exposure and Telomere Length in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

    Science of The Total Environment

    Living near green space could reduce a person’s biological age by 2.2-2.6 years, but can't offset the effects of discrimination and pollution.

  • Report

    Neighborhood Greenspace and Neighborhood Income Associated with White Matter Grade Worsening: Cardiovascular Health Study

    Alzheimer’s & Dementia/ University of Miami Miller School of Medicine's Comprehensive Center for Brain Health

    A new study finds low income levels and a lack of green spaces are among the factors that can harm brain health.

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    Ecology for Health: Design Guidance for Fostering Human Health and Biodiversity in Cities

    San Francisco Estuary Institute

    This document provides science-based guidance for designing urban spaces that foster both human health and urban biodiversity.

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    Resilient Cities at the Intersection of Climate and Health

    Resilient Cities Network and Yale University

    2023 survey of city leaders to identify priorities in climate and health, capacity and existing infrastructure, and opportunities for collaboration.

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    Fundamentals of Funding for Local Parks and Greenspace

    Trust for Public Land

    TPL’s 10-Minute Walk Program has compiled a list of common funding mechanisms for parks, along with a high-level summary of what they can fund.