
Resources for Park and Recreation Professionals

With help from our members and research partners, we make the following resources and tools available to equip parks and recreation departments, municipalities, urban design and landscape architecture firms, and advocacy organizations to enhance capacity and build equitable, healthy, and engaged communities.

  • Member Exclusive

    Klyde Warren Park Food Vendor Service Agreement

    Klyde Warren Park

    This agreement lists the technical and policy requirements each vendor must agree to before commencing service in Klyde Warren Park.

  • Case Study

    Brooklyn Bridge Park

    City Parks Alliance

    Where commercial piers once occupied Brooklyn’s East River shoreline, residents and tourists now enjoy a world-class waterfront park.

  • Member Exclusive

    Seattle Audit of Parks and Recreation Concessions Agreements

    Seattle Office of City Auditor

    This document from the Seattle Office of City Auditor provides an overview of the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation's Lease and Concession Agreements.

  • Member Exclusive

    Sample Concession Contract San Diego Surf Schools

    State of California Parks and Recreation Department

    This document is a sample concession contract between the State of California through the Department of Parks and Recreation, and the concessionaire, surf scho…

  • Member Exclusive

    Sample Concession Contract Big Basin Redwood State Park

    California Department of Parks and Recreation

    This document is a sample contract between the State of California Department of Parks and recreation, and a concessions operator for a camp store, gift shop, …

  • Member Exclusive

    Portland Parks and Recreation Concessions Guidelines

    Portland Parks & Recreation

    This document contains detailed guidelines for concession sales and commercial activities in Portland parks from the Portland Department of Parks & Recreation.

  • Member Exclusive

    Panama City Beach Concession Agreement

    Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection

    This document outlines an agreement between the Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks, and potential concession operators…

  • Member Exclusive

    LA Dept. of Recreation & Parks Concessions Agreement Template

    Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks

    Sample concession agreement between the Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks and prospective concessionaires.

  • Case Study

    Boulder’s Green Streets Ciclovia

    oulder Green Streets Ciclovia is an event that brings the community together and connects local businesses with residents and potential customers.