
Resources for Park and Recreation Professionals

With help from our members and research partners, we make the following resources and tools available to equip parks and recreation departments, municipalities, urban design and landscape architecture firms, and advocacy organizations to enhance capacity and build equitable, healthy, and engaged communities.

  • Report

    Nature-Based Solutions for Managing Stormwater in Parks

    City Parks Alliance

    This report from a cohort of parks and stormwater agency leaders from eight cities informs how to increase collaboration between the parks and stormwater manag…

  • Member Exclusive

    Master Community Food Habitat Agreement

    Denver Urban Gardens

    This is a land use agreement template used by Denver Urban Gardens as an initial framework upon which all of their agreements are built.

  • Case Study

    Parks That Protect: Leveraging Waterfronts for Resilient Communities

    Urban Land Institute

    Explores seven leading-edge waterfront park projects from around the world built to protect adjacent neighborhoods from climate threats.

  • Report

    The Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Report

    City Parks Alliance

    This report highlights the physical, mental, and environmental benefits that city parks provide and demonstrates how funds from the LWCF’s Outdoor Recreation L…

  • Plan

    ASLA Climate Action Field Guide for practitioners

    American Society of Landscape Architects

    This Field Guide supports the three topics of the ASLA Climate Action Plan: Practice, Equity, and Advocacy.

  • Plan

    ASLA Climate Action Plan

    American Society of Landscape Architects

    To get on a pathway to zero emissions, ASLA is taking a significant step forward with this Climate Action Plan.

  • Member Exclusive
    Technical Tool

    Grant Application – Western Reserve Land Conservancy to the Clean Ohio Fund

    Western Reserve Land Conservancy

    This is a winning grant application to the Clean Ohio Fund for land acquisition for the Lower Big Creek Project.

  • Member Exclusive

    Assignment of Easements to the City of Birmingham

    Freshwater Land Trust

    This is an example of a simple document that successfully transfers several parcels to a municipality at the same time. It only requires the City to record it …

  • Policy

    Policy Regarding Disposition of Urban Park Land and Open Space

    City Parks Alliance

    Policy to protect, preserve and enhance urban parks, recreation areas and open space in every community to ensure no net loss of such resources.