
Resources for Park and Recreation Professionals

With help from our members and research partners, we make the following resources and tools available to equip parks and recreation departments, municipalities, urban design and landscape architecture firms, and advocacy organizations to enhance capacity and build equitable, healthy, and engaged communities.

  • Case Study

    New York City: Framework for an Equitable Future

    NYC Parks

    NYC Parks analyzed capital investment data from the past 20 years and established long-term community partnerships that sustain investment in the city’s parks.

  • Case Study

    Minneapolis: Community Outreach Department and 20-Year Neighborhood Park Plan

    Minneapolis Parks & Recreation

    Minneapolis' Community Outreach Department uses data-driven racial and economic equity criteria to close park funding gaps and distribute funds.

  • Case Study

    Detroit: Parks & Rec Improvement Plan

    City of Detroit Parks and Recreation

    Learn about Detroit's equity-focused park planning team, which used equity data to create an improvement plan for 40 neighborhood parks.

  • Member Exclusive
    Technical Tool

    Restoring Pittsburgh Parks

    Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy

    Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy and the City of Pittsburgh plan for equity in every park in every neighborhood in Pittsburgh.

  • Case Study

    Brooklyn Bridge Park

    City Parks Alliance

    Where commercial piers once occupied Brooklyn’s East River shoreline, residents and tourists now enjoy a world-class waterfront park.

  • Case Study

    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    City Parks Alliance

    As a destination for tourists, a gathering space for residents, and an economic driver, the greenway has reconnected the city with its waterfront.

  • Report

    City Parks Infographics

    City Parks Alliance

    This report highlights how cities are using Land and Water Conservation Fund grants to create measurable environmental, economic, and public health returns on …

  • Report

    Closing the Gap: Public and Private Funding Strategies for Neighborhood Parks

    Public and Private Funding Strategies for Neighborhood Parks

  • Report

    A Smart Investment for America’s Health, Economy, and Environment

    City Parks Alliance

    This report highlights the physical, mental, and environmental benefits that city parks provide and demonstrates how funds from the LWCF’s Outdoor Recreation L…