
Resources for Park and Recreation Professionals

With help from our members and research partners, we make the following resources and tools available to equip parks and recreation departments, municipalities, urban design and landscape architecture firms, and advocacy organizations to enhance capacity and build equitable, healthy, and engaged communities.

  • Case Study

    FY17 LWCF ORLP Selected Projects

    National Park Service

    A description of 16 Selected Projects and associated award amounts for FY17-18 LWCF-ORLP

  • Case Study

    FY15.FY16 ORLP Selected Projects

    National Park Service

    A description of Selected Projects totalling $13.3 Million for Improvements to Local Parks and Recreation in 22 Cities for Fiscal year 15/16

  • Case Study

    FY 14 LWCF ORLP Selected Projects

    National Park Service

    A description of seven LWCF ORLP Fiscal Year 2014 grantee projects and associated award amounts.

  • Member Exclusive

    Ten-Year Urban Forestry Action Plan: 2016 -2026

    By Kathy McGlauflin- American Forests Foundation, Tanya Denckla Cobb- University of Virginia Institute for Environmental Negotiation

    Developed to expand awareness of the benefits of urban forests as green infrastructure and increase investments in urban forest resources.

  • Member Exclusive

    New York Zoning Law and Practice Report

    By Thomson Reuters

    Article considers five alternative revenue strategies that show promise for leveraging private dollars for public parks and protected open space.

  • Report

    Investing in Equitable Urban Park Systems: Case Studies & Recommendations

    City Parks Alliance

    Learn from seven cities that are leading the way with data-driven approaches to guide park investments, engage communities, and build better parks for all.

  • Case Study

    San Francisco: Cal Enviro-Screen 3.0

    San Francisco Recreation and Parks, San Francisco Parks Alliance

    The approval of a park revenue measure drove the development of an equity analysis, which leveraged a statewide open data set provided by the EPA.

  • Case Study

    Pittsburgh: Parks for All

    Pittsburgh Park Conservancy, Pittsburgh Parks and Recreation

    An equitable investment plan was driven by data and coupled with residents’ input and priorities, resulting in the passage of a park tax referendum.

  • Case Study

    Philadelphia: Rebuilding Community Infrastructure

    Philadelphia Parks & Recreation

    Rebuild, funded by a sugary beverage tax, aims to revitalize neighborhood parks, recreation centers, playgrounds, and libraries.