ParkXChange Resource Library

Resources for Urban Park Professionals

This searchable library hosts helpful park resource documents, including cross-sector MOUs, equity action plans, agreements for park maintenance and operations, dog park and concession management, green infrastructure development and maintenance, community benefits, arts and cultural programming and events, as well as other resource guides and technical tools to support park partnerships.

  • Report

    City Parks Infographics

    City Parks Alliance

    This report highlights how cities are using Land and Water Conservation Fund grants to create measurable environmental, economic, and public health returns on …

  • Report

    A Smart Investment for America’s Health, Economy, and Environment

    City Parks Alliance

    This report highlights the physical, mental, and environmental benefits that city parks provide and demonstrates how funds from the LWCF’s Outdoor Recreation L…

  • Case Study

    Seattle Shoreline and Salmon Habitat Assessment

    Seattle Parks identified the most viable sites by considering both the needs of migrating juvenile salmon and the potential conflicts with human uses at variou…

  • Case Study

    Birmingham’s Railroad Park

    A great spot to watch the trains and celebrate cultural events, the Railroad Park has successfully reinvigorated a central area of downtown Birmingham.

  • Case Study

    Portland’s Green Street Program

    Vegetated streetscape facilities are designed to handle runoff can filter water, remove pollutants, and reduce demand on stormwater infrastructure.

  • Case Study

    Green City, Clean Waters: Philadelphia’s Green Stormwater Infrastructure Solution

    Read how Philadelphia built 172 stormwater tree trenches, 25 stormwater bump-outs, 48 rain gardens, 50 porous paving sites, and 132 other green stormwater infr…