ParkXChange Resource Library

Resources for Urban Park Professionals

This searchable library hosts helpful park resource documents, including cross-sector MOUs, equity action plans, agreements for park maintenance and operations, dog park and concession management, green infrastructure development and maintenance, community benefits, arts and cultural programming and events, as well as other resource guides and technical tools to support park partnerships.

  • Report

    Nature-Based Solutions for Managing Stormwater in Parks

    City Parks Alliance

    This report from a cohort of parks and stormwater agency leaders from eight cities informs how to increase collaboration between the parks and stormwater manag…

  • Member Exclusive

    GSI Conservation Easement Funding Agreement Template

    Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District

    Template for conservation easement funding agreements for green stormwater infrastructure from the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District.

  • Report

    Transit to parks initiatives in the U.S. and Canada: Practitioners’ perspectives

    Transport Policy

    This study explores motivations, facilitators, and challenges related to transit to parks initiatives in the U.S. and Canada.

  • Report

    Riding transit to parks in Utah: Motivations, constraints, negotiations, and policy recommendations

    Transportation Research

    This research studied the motivations, constraints, negotiations, and policy changes for riding transit to parks in Utah’s Wasatch Front region.

  • Report

    Leading Together: A New Model for Thriving State Parks

    Potrero Group

    This report examines how a new nonprofit partner is enhancing the CA park system's ability to meet unprecedented challenges and scale innovation.

  • Member Exclusive

    Master Community Food Habitat Agreement

    Denver Urban Gardens

    This is a land use agreement template used by Denver Urban Gardens as an initial framework upon which all of their agreements are built.

  • Member Exclusive

    Cooperative Agreement Between City and County of Denver and Environmental Learning for Kids

    City and County of Denver

    This agreement outlines the roles and responsibilities of each party related to a facility and the educational programs held there.

  • Member Exclusive

    Klyde Warren Park Food Vendor Service Agreement

    Klyde Warren Park

    This agreement lists the technical and policy requirements each vendor must agree to before commencing service in Klyde Warren Park.