Philadelphia Urban Park Study Tour

Park Study Tour | Park
Philadelphia Urban Park Study Tour

Grantmakers are invited to take a deep dive into a forthcoming national study conducted by Temple University, supported by Philadelphia’s William Penn Foundation, on the evidence base for the benefits of parks and public spaces. Using the research findings as our guide, study tour participants will have the opportunity—through presentations, facilitated discussions, and field tours— to explore places, projects, and partnerships working to realize these benefits equitably in Philadelphia neighborhoods.

The tour itinerary will include exploration of the Rebuild Program, Philadelphia’s “big bet” partnership between the city and the philanthropic sector. Rebuild invests in neighborhood parks, libraries, and recreation centers with three overarching objectives: physical improvements, community engagement and empowerment, and diversity and economic inclusion.

Limited to 30 participants, the interactive itinerary is designed to engage and inspire! Registration opens July 15. This event begins in the late afternoon of 18th and concludes mid-day on the 20th.

Sep 18-20, 2019
Philadelphia, PA
Contact Us to Register