Creating a Just Public Realm

Webinar | Equity
Creating a Just Public Realm

Join your grantmaking peers for a conversation on how to drive equitable impacts in communities through strategic, systems-based investments in the public realm.

This is an opportunity to explore challenges around place-based and systems-based investments, including maintaining sensitivity to place and measuring equitable impacts.

Karen Abrams, Program Officer for Equitable Development at the Heinz Endowments will kick off the conversation by sharing the framework behind their Pittsburgh initiative, “A Just Public Realm.”

Event Moderator: Nelson Beckford, Program Director, Neighborhood Revitalization & Engagement, Cleveland Foundation

In November 2019, Pittsburgh voters passed a new parks referendum securing $10M a year in perpetuity for parks with a goal of matching those dollars each year with private philanthropy. Behind the success of this referendum was the commitment of regional philanthropy paired with a data-driven equitable investment strategy led by the city-wide nonprofit organization Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy.

This peer-to-peer conversation is open to representatives of grantmaking foundations as part of our Funders Learning Network programming. 2019-20 programming for the Funders Learning Network is made possible with support from the William Penn Foundation, Cleveland Foundation, Gates Family Foundation, Hyde Family Foundation, and our foundation members.

Limited to 20 spaces. Register early to secure your slot! Email Hilary Dick, [email protected], for the registration link.

Feb 26, 2020
2:00 PM-3:00 PM
Contact Us to Register