City Parks: America’s New Infrastructure – Health & Social Benefits

Video | Advocacy
City Parks: America’s New Infrastructure – Health & Social Benefits

This five-part series documents the multi-functional benefits of urban parks. With growing urban populations and aging infrastructure, local governments and their city planners are taking a fresh look at parks as a wise investment of municipal resources to address our greatest urban challenges—from stormwater management and flood prevention to reducing public health costs to economic revitalization and job growth.


  • Report

    The Relationship Between Greenspace Exposure and Telomere Length in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

    Science of The Total Environment

    Living near green space could reduce a person’s biological age by 2.2-2.6 years, but can't offset the effects of discrimination and pollution.

  • Report

    Neighborhood Greenspace and Neighborhood Income Associated with White Matter Grade Worsening: Cardiovascular Health Study

    Alzheimer’s & Dementia/ University of Miami Miller School of Medicine's Comprehensive Center for Brain Health

    A new study finds low income levels and a lack of green spaces are among the factors that can harm brain health.