Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the bipartisan Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences (EXPLORE) Act. This bill contains the Outdoors for All Act which would codify the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program (ORLP). Established in 2014, the ORLP focuses on providing outdoor recreation in disadvantaged communities within urban areas. Since the program’s creation, 96 projects have been awarded grants, with transformational results.
In response to today’s legislative action, City Parks Alliance Advocacy Director Julie Waterman released the following statement:
“Parks are critical urban infrastructure. We cannot have thriving, sustainable cities without high-quality parks. City Parks Alliance is thrilled to see the passage of the Explore Act which contains the Outdoors for All Act. The legislation will empower communities to improve outdoor recreation in underserved communities, revitalize local economies, enhance the quality of life for all, and make our cities more resilient.
City Parks Alliance thanks Representatives Bruce Westerman, Raúl Grijalva, Nanette Barragán, and Mike Turner for their leadership and support of the Outdoors for All Act.
We look forward to working with Senate leadership to keep the momentum going and urge quick action on their own outdoor recreation bill.”
Business Community Announces Support for Outdoors for All Act
Also this week, twenty businesses sent a letter to Congressional leaders urging swift passage of the Outdoors for All Act. In the letter the businesses state:
“While the growth of our sector is something to be proud of, the benefits of park and recreation are not spread evenly in communities across the U.S…Thankfully, the Outdoors for All Act will address this challenge, working to ensure that future generations have access to quality parks and green spaces and the social, physical and mental health benefits they provide.”
Nearly a Decade of Advocacy for a Permanent and Dedicated Park Funding Bill
The Alliance has been working on the Outdoors for All Act since 2015 when it was first introduced as the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Grant Program Act of 2015. City Parks Alliance promotes and educates Congress on the positive impact that the ORLP has had on communities. In its short existence, ORLP has created parks on former brownfield sites and industrial lands, developed dual-use spaces for recreation and green infrastructure stormwater management that builds resilient communities, and improved accessibility of playgrounds so that all can participate in play.
City Parks Alliance urges the Senate to take action on its own outdoor recreation package, which also includes the Outdoors for All Act, as quickly as possible.