City Parks Alliance and City of Atlanta Department of Parks and Recreation invite you to a special virtual peer learning program for cities that have implemented Equity Data Tools (EDT) to make decisions about park investments in their communities. This small, invitation-only convening is a chance to hear from your peers doing this work and share your own efforts, challenges, and successes.
We invite you to register 2-3 people from your agency who are primarily responsible for designing and maintaining your equity data tool.
Justin Cutler, Commissioner of Atlanta’s Department of Parks and Recreation, will get the conversation started by talking about Atlanta’s EDT and how it is used. We’ll then ask each city in attendance to talk briefly about their own EDT, and provide discussion questions to keep the conversation going.
Please note that this is a very small, invitation-only peer learning opportunity (not a webinar). If you RSVP, we do expect that you or representatives from your team will join the meeting and share information about your EDT. We look forward to hearing about your work!